We holistically train children in the way of Jesus, by sharing in a journey of belonging, believing, and becoming so that they can enjoy and share in his abundant life now and forever.



Every child is a unique and precious creation of God (Psalm 139:13-14), made in His image (Genesis 1:27), to do good works that He has prepared for them (Ephesians 2:10). In light of this truth, we reflect God’s love and care in every aspect of developing children, because of the immense value God gives them in creation. Therefore, we take a holistic approach to cultivate a Christ-centered environment where children can grow spiritually, emotionally, socially, intellectually, and physically, in alignment with God’s plan for their lives.


Seeds, 6wks - 18mo

In the early classroom the seedlings explore the natural world with wonder. Their multi-sensory classroom is filled with open-ended materials to spark curiosity, guided by supportive educators. Socialization, empathy, and self-expression are central, helping children build relationships through shared experiences and play.

Sprouts, 18mo - 36mo

In the toddler’s classroom children develop through hands-on learning and exciting experiences. They develop and practice social and emotional skills as they are constantly involved with their classmates through play and exploration in a safe environment.

Stems, 36mo - 48mo

In Early preschool classroom, students from three thought fours years of age grow in their Spanish vocabulary and acquire new words regularly. As the little ones grow more independent, they are encouraged and motivated to participate in large group activities where they develop language and communications skills, corporation, color and shape recognition, and begin with potty training.

Trees, 48mo - 72mo

In the pre-school classroom, students from four thought five years old learn academic concepts of literacy and math such as counting, coloring and letter recognition. They also develop large and fine motor skills, such as jumping on one foot and using a pencil. This classroom also includes social and school readiness skills, such as making friends, sharing and taking turns.